For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
Luke 19:10

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mother's Day Opportunities and Other Calendar Days

From Dunkerton, Iowa, Russ Nesbit reports:

Dunkerton, Iowa is a community of 800 population. There are 40 in assembly fellowship. We have 40 students in our Sunday School. 20 of these have parents associated with the assembly and 20 students are from the community.

We have a children's program instead of the regular Sunday School classes on Mother's Day morning. Each class takes their turn on the platform with singing several choruses and reciting a Bible verse or verses. Then the oldest class (which are the teenagers) individually share something special about their mother.

We usually get 18 - 20 visitors that normally do not attend the meetings. (Anything we can do in which the children are publically involved brings in parents and grandparents). The program is then followed by a meal which is a good time to socialize and try to get better acquainted with the adults.

I can be contacted by email: Russ Nesbit

From Chile, David Jones reports:

We usually try to do something for Mother's Day. There is an English Version of a slide presentation we have made on Mother's Day based on the story of Hannah.With between 30 and 40 mothers present, many of them unsaved, it proved helpful.

If you would like me to email you a PDF English version of the slide presentation on Hannah send me an email: David Jones

From Indiana, Pennsylvania, Dr. Lindsay Parks reports:

We do not have anything special for Mother's Day. However, for my least favorite of all holidays (Halloween), we have a street-side outreach.

The doors of the hall are at street level. We set up a couple of tables, and 3-5 of us hand out pre-prepared "trick-or-treat" bags to the kids who come by.

Each bag has 2 fridge magnets and a bookmark (one John 3:16 in each bag), several unused Sunday School papers, a tract the assembly has prepared, snacks and candies, invites to Youth Bible Class and SS, and each kid gets a lightstick that glows for several hours in the dark. The lightstick is the magnet, and they remember from year to year. Last year a number took gift ESV Bibles.

Last year, we gave out over 200 bags. Terrible holiday; wonderful opportunity!

For more information email: Dr. Lindsay Parks

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